Using Consent Forms

When the EMR Components module is licensed, you can attach a consent form to a patient's appointment, have the patient sign it digitally, and store it for easy retrieval and viewing.

You can link consent forms to appointment types, so that the correct form is attached to an appointment when it is scheduled. When the patient arrives for the appointment, you are prompted to complete the consent forms and obtain a signature.

When an appointment exists with consent forms attached, a notification is displayed in the Chart Status portion of the EMR window. The required consent forms are open in the EMR Consents window, ready to complete.

EMR consent forms have one of three statuses:

When a consent is needed for an appointment:

  1. From the Patient Window, select EMR > EMR Consents. A list of consents for the patient is displayed, with the newest first, and any pending forms open in the Preview panel.

  2. Complete any pending forms for the appointment. You are prompted to obtain a signature and lock the form.

To add a consent form:

  1. Click . The Complete Consent Form window is displayed.

  2. Use the Select Consent Form drop-down list to select a form. The template for that form is displayed in the editor.

  3. Scroll down to access the OMSNIC Spanish language forms.

  1. Use the editing tools to adjust the content of the form, if necessary.

  2. To get the patient's signature on the form, click Sign Consent. The Please Sign Tablet window is displayed.

  3. Have the patient sign the form, and click one of the following:

  1. Click Create PDF to create a PDF document for printing or e-mailing.

  2. Click Lock to lock the completed form.

Related Topics

Defining EMR Notes Categories and Templates

Creating and Using Snippets

Designing Print Layouts

Creating an EMR Note

Setting Up Consent Forms

Importing a Provider Signature