EMR Components

The EMR Components module enhances WinOMS with a more complete way to write, manage, and reuse patient progress notes and consent forms.

When the EMR Components module is licensed, you can perform these functions:

Once the components are set up for your practice or office, the enhanced functionality is integrated with the functionality in the Patient window.

Searching for EMR Progress Notes or Consent Forms

Click Progress Notes to open the Progress Notes Search window. You can filter your search by Notes or Consents, or both.


Setting Up Components

Before using the EMR Components functionality, you can begin setting up some basic templates and categories, snippets, and a standardized print layout.

Select Tables > EMR Components to access the setup features.


Assigning Security

To assign Security Level Permissions for EMR Notes,


Related Topics

Defining EMR Notes Categories and Templates

Creating and Using Snippets

Designing Print Layouts

Creating an EMR Note

Using Consent Forms

Setting Up Consent Forms

Importing a Provider Signature