Creating and Using Snippets

You can use snippets to standardize the language throughout your templates and notes. Snippets are phrases that are frequently used to describe the patient's status or progress, such as, "patient complains of," or "Follow-up required in three days."

These snippets are associated with the specific templates with which they are used. You can set up snippet categories and snippets from the EMR Components menu, or when you are creating progress notes.

There are several ways to associate snippets and templates:

When creating or editing a progress note, click {S} to open and close the Snippets window, where you can view, select, and insert snippets associated with the currently selected template.

To set up snippet categories:

  1. Select Tables > EMR Components > Snippet Categories. The Snippet Category Search window is displayed.

  2. Click New. The Create Snippet Category window is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the category.

  4. The Active option is selected by default. You can deselect this if you want the category to be inactive. You cannot change System categories.

  1. Click Ok.

To create snippets from the EMR Components menu:

  1. Select Tables > EMR Components > Snippets. The EMR Note Snippet Search window is displayed.

  2. Click New. The Snippet Data Entry window is displayed with the Templates tab selected.

  3. In the Snippet section, select a category, and then type the content for the snippet.

  4. Use the Templates tab to associate this snippet with specific templates. You can begin typing a template name in the Search field, or click All Templates to display a list.

  5. In the Selected column, use the checkboxes to select or de-select templates for this snippet.

  6. Click Ok.

To create snippets from the Create (or View) Progress Note window:

  1. With a progress note open, select the text you want to use as a snippet.

  2. Right click the highlighted text and select Create Snippet. The snippet text is added to the Snippets list for the currently-applied template.

  3. To add a new category while creating a snippet, click next to the Category field.


Related Topics

Defining EMR Notes Categories and Templates

Designing Print Layouts

Creating an EMR Note

Using Consent Forms

Setting Up Consent Forms

Importing a Provider Signature