You can create a treatment plan consisting of up to 50 procedures. You can organize the procedures in up to 99 groups. Each treatment group can contain primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment plan items.
To create a treatment group:
On the Restorative tab in the Charting for window, select an option:
To create a primary treatment plan group:To create a primary treatment plan group:
To create a secondary treatment plan group:To create a secondary treatment plan group:
To create a tertiary treatment plan group:To create a tertiary treatment plan group:
To create a treatment plan group, chart the items to include in the group, and click Save.
To edit a treatment plan group, click the Treatment Planning tab.
Select the treatment plan item, and select Click to change treatment plan group on the Treatment Plan toolbar; or right-click, and select Change TP Group from the menu. The Modify Group Number window is displayed.
Select the group number from the Group Number drop-down list.
If you do not select a group number, all procedures are charted to Group 1.
Click OK.