Sending an E-mail

You can e-mail patient images, charts, and other documents to labs, referring doctors, insurance companies, and patients.

You can send an e-mail from any of the following windows:

Before attempting to send e-mail messages and attachments:

To send an e-mail message or attachment:

  1. Select an option:

  2. In the appropriate window:

  3. In the appropriate List window:

The SoftDent E-Mail window is displayed.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To send the e-mail to the primary insurance company, primary insurance plan, a lab that has an open lab case, or a referring doctor associated with the patient:

  1. To send the e-mail to another party:

  1. To carbon copy or blind copy another e-mail recipient, type the e-mail address in the appropriate field.

  2. Type the information in the Subject and Message fields. If a recipient is selected, a recipient greeting and a list of attachments and file locations are automatically added to the field.

A tree view of all documents, images, and charts associated with the record is displayed in the Documents and Images section. Hold the cursor over an image or document to view details.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To attach a document or image to the e-mail:

  1. To remove an image from the Attached Images section:

  1. To view the e-mail, click MAPI Client.

  2. To send the e-mail, click OK (Send).

  3. Select an option:

  4. To add a contact for the e-mail:

  5. To close the message:


Related Topics

Sending E-mails from a Patient Chart

E-mailing from the Document Window

Sending Bulk E-mails

Editing an E-mail Signature

E-mailing CS Imaging Software Images