Sending Recare Notices to Patients > Scheduling Recare Appointments
To schedule a recare appointment for a patient who has a recare procedure associated with his patient record:
Select List > Patient. The Patient List window is displayed.
Double-click a patient. The patient record is displayed in the Patient window.
Select Appointments from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Patient Appointments window is displayed.
Select Instant Recare from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Instant Recare submenu is displayed.
Select an option:
If you change the name of your Normal Recare or User-Defined Recare system, the submenu command changes. For example, if the name of your User-Defined Recare system is Ortho, select Instant Recare > Ortho.
The Single Day View window is displayed, and the patient's appointment tile hovers in the center of the Scheduler for the appropriate recare day.
If the patient’s last exam was more than six months ago, the patient's appointment tile hovers on tomorrow’s Single Day View window.
Drag the tile over the desired time slot, and let go of the mouse, or use the Auto Scheduler to find an appointment, based on the patient's preferences.
For information about recare and the Scheduler, see Managing Patient Recare.
Select an option:
To view the next available time slot:To view the next available time slot:
To schedule the appointment, select Make Appt from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu.
Click Close. The Patient Appointments window is displayed. The unconfirmed appointment is displayed in red text.
Select an option:
To print the appointment:To print the appointment:
To print an appointment reminder:To print an appointment reminder:
Select Confirm from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The appointment is confirmed and displayed.
Click Close three times.
If you are using the Motivated Recare system, the Notices field on the Recare tab of the patient record is reset to zero after the patient is checked out on the appointment date for the recare procedure.