Printing the Recare Phone Directory

You can print a phone directory for all patients due for recare appointments, including or excluding patients by their user codes. The directory lists the patient's name, telephone numbers, last exam date, and the number of recare notices sent.

Sample Report

To generate a recare phone directory:

  1. Select Reports > Recare/Appt > Labels/Postcards/Dir > Recare All Phone Dir. The Select Patients window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To include patients associated with a specific user code in the directory:To include patients associated with a specific user code in the directory:Type the code in the Include field.

  4. To exclude patients associated with a specific user code from the directory:To exclude patients associated with a specific user code from the directory:Type the code in the Exclude field.

  5. To include inactive patients in the directory:To include inactive patients in the directory:Click the Include Inactive Patients option.

  1. Click OK. A message that informs you of the number of patients added to the directory is displayed.

  2. Click OK. A message that asks you to print or delete the patient directory is displayed.

  3. Select Print and click OK. The Output Options window is displayed.

  4. Select an output option and click OK.