Setting Up the Normal Recare System

To set up the Normal Recare system:

  1. Select System > Change System Settings > Recare > Recare Setup/Codes. The Recare Settings window is displayed in SCAN mode.

  2. Type the maximum number of recare notices to send to a patient before excluding him from the Recare reports or files in the Maximum number of recare notices field.

  3. To set the default Normal Recare system code for adults and children, click the appropriate drop-down list button. The ADA/Transaction Codes window is displayed. Double-click a code from the list.

The code is displayed in the drop-down lists in the Default Recare Codes section. The patient is always sent a recare notice for this procedure unless you select a different recare procedure in the patient record.

  1. Type the default number of months between updating medical histories in the Medical History Recare Settings section.

If a patient does not update his medical history in the specified number of months, the Last History date in the InOffice window is displayed in red text.

  1. Type the name of your Normal Recare system in the appropriate field.

  2. The default name of the Normal Recare system is Last Exam.

  1. Type the default number of months between recare appointments in the appropriate field.

When one of the recare procedures is posted to a patient record, the Last Exam date is modified, and the patient is sent a recare notice for the specified number of months after the new Last Exam date in the patient record.

  1. Select the Normal Recare system codes in the Codes that set the Normal Recare System section. You can enter up to 10 codes that trigger a patient recare notice.

Example:Example:If you enter code 330 for a panoramic film, the Last Exam date field in the patient record is updated when you post a transaction for that code.

  1. Do not select explosion codes for the Normal Recare system. These codes are always posted as separate codes and are never displayed on the transactions record.

  1. To print the recare period and the last exam date on recare postcards or labels, select Show Recare information on Postcards/Labels.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To save your Normal Recare system settings:To save your Normal Recare system settings:Click OK and Close.

  4. To set your User-Defined Recare system:To set your User-Defined Recare system:See Setting Up the User-Defined Recare System.