Using Motivated Recare

The Motivated Recare system tracks the number of recare notices sent to patients and enables you to send a different postcard message for first, second, and third recare notices. You can make the wording stronger for each successive postcard to motivate patients to schedule their recare appointments.

To use the Motivated Recare system:

  1. Select an option:

  2. To generate a list of patients who are due for a normal recare notice:

  3. To generate a list of patients who are due for a user-defined recare notice:

The Report Format window is displayed.

  1. The Postcards option is selected by default. Click OK. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To print individual postcards on a dot-matrix printer:

  4. To display the postcards:

  5. To print the postcards on a laser printer:

The Recare Postcard Setup window is displayed.

  1. To change the report title, type a name in the Title field.

  2. In the Notices section, do the following:

  3. Select Update Notices Sent Count:

  4. Select the patients to be included in the report:

  1. In the Dates section, select a date range for the report.

  2. In the Patient Names section, select the start and stop last names from the drop-down lists to generate the recare list for a specific alphabetical range of patients.

  3. In the Providers section, select the provider identification number from the drop-down list to generate the recare list for a specific provider. To generate the recare list for all providers, select 999 from the drop-down list.

  4. To include only patients assigned to the doctor specified in this section:

  5. To include only patients assigned to a specific hygienist:

  1. In the Patient User Codes section, type the user codes for patients you want to include or exclude from the report.

  2. By default, user codes I (inactive) and N (do not send recare notice) are displayed in the Exclude field.

  1. In the Recare Tracking section, select an option:

  1. In the Options section, select Use Motivated Recare to print the Motivated Recare messages on the postcards.

  1. Click OK.

  2. If you are printing postcards on a laser printer:


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Editing Recare Postcards