Backing Up Data

Data retained in your system depends on your system's hard drive. To decrease the possibility of a hard drive failure affecting your practice’s information, you should back up your data each day your system is used. When you perform a backup, you copy data from the computer’s hard drive to a separate medium. If data on your hard drive is lost or corrupted, you can typically perform a restore procedure, which copies the data from your most recent backup media onto the hard drive to restore it.

It is recommended that you work with your hardware vendor to create and maintain a backup routine that is specific to your practice.

Note: If your office uses the eForms module, configure your blackout period so that eForms are not transmitted during your scheduled backup time. For more information on configuring eForms settings, access the eForms help.

Testing Your Backup System


Related Topics

Backing Up Data

Using a Backup Checklist

Establishing a Backup Routine

Managing Files and Backup Media

Viewing Backup Information

Files to Back Up

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