eServices > Using the eForms Module
The procedures for using eForms on the Web are:
Your office automatically sends an e-mail to a patient a predefined number of days before his appointment, telling him that he has forms that need to be completed or updated.
The patient clicks a link in the e-mail and is taken to a security window, where the patient provides authentication information.
Next, the patient is taken to the patient home page, where he clicks on a form, and the form is displayed on the screen.
The patient completes the forms and clicks Submit, and the forms are marked as completed and sent to the Carestream database. The forms are sent to your office the next time the eForms module checks for forms.
During the review process, a staff member opens a completed form on a computer on which eForms has been installed. If the patient made changes, the changes are displayed in red.
The staff member checks the information that has changed and might decide to type a note regarding the change.
If a form requires the patient's signature, the patient will electronically sign the form—at the front desk, at the kiosk, or with an iPad—when he arrives for his appointment.
The staff member clicks Accept, the new information is added to the database, and an electronic copy of the form is created and archived.
The staff member continues with the remaining forms.