Printing Tickler File Labels

You can print labels for patients in the tickler file. The labels include the patient's name and mailing address. You can also define the number of lines to print per label.

Sample Label

To print tickler file labels:

  1. Select Reports > Recall/Appt > Labels/Postcards/Dir > Tickler File Labels. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select from the following:

  3. To print individual labels on a label printer, select Printer.

  4. To print labels on a laser printer, select Laser Label File.

Click OK. The Patient Tickler Label Setup window is displayed.

  1. In the Dates section, click the drop-down arrows to select the Start and Stop dates from a calendar.

  2. In the Provider section, click the drop-down arrow to select the provider from a list, or leave 999 to report on all providers.

  1. In the Options section, deselect the appointment type checkboxes for which you do not want to print labels.

  2. In the Lines Per Label section, type the number of lines to print on each label.

  3. Click OK.

  4. If you selected the Printer option, the Printer Selection window is displayed. Verify the selected printer and click OK.


If you selected the Laser Label File option, select Reports > Print Laser Labels. The Laser Labels window is displayed. The number of labels to be printed is displayed in the Count column.

Select Tickler Entry Labels, and click Print Selected on the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes.

The Print window is displayed. Verify the selected printer and click OK. A message is displayed, asking if the labels should be cleared. Verify that the labels have printed correctly and click Yes.