Scheduler Features

The Scheduler has received enhancements in the following areas:

Daily Appointments Window Maximized in the Classic Workspace

If you use the Classic Workspace, the Daily Appointments window now fills the entire screen when Daily Appointments is selected in the Display At Startup section of the Startup Preferences window. The size of this window is identical to the size of the window that is displayed by selecting Scheduler > Daily Appointments.

Slot Notes and Blocked Slots Available in the History Appointments Window

You now have the option of viewing slot notes and blocked slots in the History Appointments window of the scheduler.

A new option—Save slot notes and blocked slots to history—is now available in the Scheduler Settings window and the Scheduler Setup Wizard window. This option is not selected by default, meaning that slot notes and blocked slots will not be displayed in the History Appointments window. If you want slot notes and blocked slots to display in the History Appointments window, select this option.

See Setting Scheduler Defaults and Initializing the Scheduler for more information.