Recall Reports

Recall reports have received enhancements in the following areas:

Hygienist ID Added to the Confirmation List Report

The hygienist ID has been added to the Confirmation List report (Reports > Recall/Appt > Confirmation List > By Date and Time or By Patient Name).

The Dr ID column heading has been changed to Dr/Hyg on the Confirmation List by Patient Name and the Confirmation List by Date and Time reports.

The Dr ID from the appointment card is always displayed in the Dr/Hyg column in the first row of the appointment information.

The hygienist ID from the appointment card is displayed in the Dr/Hyg column in the second row of the appointment information.

Keep the following in mind:

See Running the Confirmation List Report for more information.

Cell Phone and E-Mail Address Added to the Recall Reports

The Recall reports for patients now contain the patient's cell phone number and e-mail address, if available.

The patient's cell phone number is displayed directly under the home and work numbers, and is labeled with a "C:."

The e-mail address is displayed directly under the patient's name and address, if available.

See Running Recall Reports for more information.

Recall Reports Export to Excel

The Patient Recalls and User-Defined Recalls reports can now be exported to Excel.

In addition, you can specify how you want the information exported to Excel:

See Running Recall Reports for more information.

Option to Print Icons on the Daily Operatory Schedule Report

You now have a choice as to whether or not to print appointment icons on the Daily Operatory Schedule report.

A Show Icons option has been added to the Appt tab of the Daily Operatory Schedule Properties window (Reports > Recall/Appt > Daily Op Schedule > Set Daily Op Properties > Appt). When the Show Icons option is selected (the default), the icons displayed at the bottom of patient appointments are printed on the schedule. If the Show Icons option is not selected, no icons are printed on the schedule.

See Setting Up the Daily Operatory Schedule Report for more information.

New Format and Setup Windows for the Recall Reports

The windows used to set up a recall report have changed. Each report format (Postcards, Labels, and so on) now has a setup window that contains only the fields used for that type of report.

When you select the recall report (Reports > Recall/Appt > Last Exam), the Report Format window is now displayed. Use this window to select the format for the report—Postcards, Letter Expert, Labels, or Reports. Depending on the format you selected, the corresponding setup window is now displayed, where you complete the information in the fields.

See Running Recall Reports for more information.

Recall Tracking Section Added to the Recall Report

A Recall Tracking section has been added to the recall report and includes the following options: