Setting Up the Daily Operatory Schedule Report

You can define how the report is printed. You can dictate how appointment information is printed in the report.

To set Daily Operatory Schedule report properties:

  1. Select Reports > Recall/Appt > Daily Op Schedule > Set Daily Op Properties. The Daily Operatory Schedule Properties window is displayed.

  2. Select a report template from the Report Template drop-down list. Each template defines how the report is printed.

  3. Type the number of rooms to print per page in the Rooms per page field. The default value for this field is four.

  4. Select an option:

  5. To always print the specified number of rooms in the report:To always print the specified number of rooms in the report:Select Always next to the Rooms per page field.

    For example, if you specify four rooms but only have three, then four columns are printed and the extra column is blank.

  6. To never print more than the specified number of rooms on one page:To never print more than the specified number of rooms on one page:Select Max next to the Rooms per page field.

    For example, if you specify four rooms but have six rooms, the fifth and sixth rooms are always printed on a separate page.

  1. Type the number of hours to print per page in the Hours per page field. The default value for this field is ten.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To always print the specified number of hours in the report:To always print the specified number of hours in the report:Select Always next to the Hours per page field.

    For example, if you specify twelve hours but your office is only open ten, the extra time slots are blank.

  4. To never print more than the specified number of hours on one page:To never print more than the specified number of hours on one page:Select Max next to the Hours per page field.

    For example, if you specify ten hours but are open twelve, the extra hours are always printed on a separate page.

  1. Select a page layout.

  2. To print the report in color, select Print In Color.

  3. Select the book to print from the Print Rooms in Book drop-down list.

  4. Select an option:

  5. To print the assigned goal color for each time slot and room:To print the assigned goal color for each time slot and room:Select Show Color Columns.

  6. To print a time column in the report:To print a time column in the report:Select Show Time Columns.

  7. To print appointment notes:To print appointment notes:Select Print Notes On Appointment.

  8. To print appointment confirmation notes:To print appointment confirmation notes:Select Print Confirmation Notes On Appointment.

  9. To print all appointment notes, confirmation notes, and medical alerts on a separate page:To print all appointment notes, confirmation notes, and medical alerts on a separate page:Select Print All Notes, Medical Alerts and User Codes on Separate Page(s).

  1. Type the number of copies of the schedule and notes to print in the Copies of Schedule and Copies of Notes fields.

  2. Click the Appt tab. The Appt tab is the active window.

  3. Select an appointment template from the Appointment Template drop-down list.

  4. Select an option:

  5. To customize a text color:To customize a text color:Select the box next to the appropriate item in the Text Colors section. The Colors window is displayed. Select a color and click OK.

  6. To customize a background color:To customize a background color:Select the box next to the appropriate item in the Background Color Options section. The Colors window is displayed. Select a color and click OK.

  1. Select a format in which to print patient names from the Name Options section.

  2. To print patient phone numbers in the report, select Show Phone Numbers, and to print area codes, select Include Area Code.

  3. To print the tooth and surface numbers in the report, select Show Tooth & Surface.

  4. To include the patient’s age in the report, select Show Patient Age. To print the patient’s age only if the patient is younger than a specific age, select Show if Age less than and type the age in the field.

  5. If you do not want the icons displayed at the bottom of patient appointments in the scheduler to print on the schedule, deselect Show Icons.

  6. To change the appearance of the report, click Change Font and make selections from the fields in the Font window.

  7. Click OK.