Office Expert Features

The office expert has received enhancements in the following areas:

Running Office Expert on Specific Days

A Set Frequency button has been added to the Office Expert Setup window. When you select an expert and click Set Frequency, the Office Expert Item Frequency window is displayed. This window enables you to specify when the selected office expert should be run (every few days, after a particular day of the month, and so on).

See Automatically Running Office Expert Items and Setting Office Expert Item Frequency for more information.

Excluding Treatment Plan Transactions in the Unsubmitted Claims Report

When you run the Unsubmitted Claims report from inside office expert, the Include Treatment Plan Transactions checkbox (which is selected by default) is no longer grayed out, enabling you to exclude treatment plan transactions from the report.

If the Include Treatment Plan Transactions option is selected, all unsubmitted transactions—actual and treatment plan—are included in the report.

If the Include Treatment Plan Transactions option is not selected, only actual unsubmitted transactions are included in the report.

See Running the Unsubmitted Claims Report for more information.