System Security and HIPAA Compliance > Setting Up Security > Tasks with Limited Access
Tasks can be accessed from the following windows:
The table describes each limited access task for the Practice Central category.
Category |
Task |
Description |
Practice Central |
Show Startup Tasks |
Enables the user to display startup tasks. |
Practice Central
Show Office Memos
Enables the user to display a list of office memos. |
Practice Central |
Show Today's Memos
Enables the user to display memos for the current date. |
Practice Central
Show Office Expert Summary |
Enables the user to display a list of Office Expert Summary items for the current date. |
Practice Central |
Show ERA Notifications |
Enables the user to display a list of ERA Notifications. |
Practice Central
Show Production Goals |
Enables the user to display the scheduled and actual goals for today, tomorrow, the current week, and the current month. |
Practice Central |
Show High Dollar Patients |
Enables the user to display a list of scheduled appointments for the current date that cost more than the amount specified in the High Dollar Amount field. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Overdue For Recall |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are overdue and have not been scheduled for a recall. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients With Selected User Code |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are assigned the user code specified in the User Code field. |
Practice Central |
Show High Balance Patients |
Enables the user to display a list of patients due into the office on the current date who have a balance greater than that specified in the High Balance Amount field. |
Practice Central |
Show New Patients |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who do not have a value in the First Visit field of their patient record. |
Practice Central |
Show Birthday Patients |
Enables the user to display a list of patients who are celebrating birthdays that fall within the previous, current, or next calendar week. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Needing |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require x-rays. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Needing Portraits |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require portraits. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Needing Medical History Update |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require a medical history update. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Needing Perio Screening |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require perio screening. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients With Watches on a Tooth |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have a watch attached to one or more teeth. |
Practice Central |
Show Patients Who Haven't Been HIPAA Acknowledged |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have not received a HIPAA notification. |
Practice Central
Show Patients Who Referred Others |
Enables the user to display a list of patients who have referred others to the practice. |
Practice Central
Show Patients Re-entering Practice |
Enables the user to display a list of patients who are re-entering the practice. |
Practice Central
Show Patients with Multiple Appointments |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with multiple appointments. |
Practice Central
Show Patients Out on Referral |
Enables the user to display a list of patients out on referral. |
Practice Central
Show Patients w/Outstanding TPs not Scheduled |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with outstanding treatment plans that are not scheduled. |
Practice Central
Show Patients Who Have A History of Being Late |
Enables the user to display a list of patients who have a history of being late. |
Practice Central
Show Available Scheduler Times |
Enables the user to display a list of available scheduling time slots for the selected range. |
Practice Central
Show End Of Day Call Backs |
Enables the user to display a list of patients who require a follow-up call at the end of the current day. |
Practice Central
Show Yesterday's Callbacks |
Enables the user to display a list of yesterday's callbacks. |
Practice Central
Show Today's Unconfirmed Appointments |
Enables the user to display a list of today's unconfirmed appointments. |
Practice Central
Show Tomorrow's Unconfirmed Appointments |
Enables the user to display a list of tomorrow's unconfirmed appointments. |
Practice Central
Show Recurring Credit Card Payments |
Enables the user to display a list of recurring credit card payments. |
Practice Central
Show Document Review |
Enables the user to display a list of documents to be reviewed. |
Practice Central |
Show Missed Appointments |
Enables the user to display a list of missed appointments. |
Practice Central |
Show eReminders Section |
Enables the user to display a list of patients with eReminders notices. |