Practice Central

Tasks can be accessed from the following windows:

The table describes each limited access task for the Practice Central category. 




Practice Central

Show Startup Tasks

Enables the user to display startup tasks.

Practice Central


Show Office Memos


Enables the user to display a list of office memos.

Practice Central

Show Today's Memos


Enables the user to display memos for the current date.

Practice Central


Show Office Expert Summary

Enables the user to display a list of Office Expert Summary items for the current date.

Practice Central

Show ERA Notifications

Enables the user to display a list of ERA Notifications.

Practice Central


Show Production Goals

Enables the user to display the scheduled and actual goals for today, tomorrow, the current week, and the current month.

Practice Central

Show High Dollar Patients

Enables the user to display a list of scheduled appointments for the current date that cost more than the amount specified in the High Dollar Amount field.

Practice Central

Show Patients Overdue For Recall

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are overdue and have not been scheduled for a recall.

Practice Central

Show Patients With Selected User Code

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who are assigned the user code specified in the User Code field.

Practice Central

Show High Balance Patients

Enables the user to display a list of patients due into the office on the current date who have a balance greater than that specified in the High Balance Amount field.

Practice Central

Show New Patients

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who do not have a value in the First Visit field of their patient record.

Practice Central

Show Birthday Patients

Enables the user to display a list of patients who are celebrating birthdays that fall within the previous, current, or next calendar week.

Practice Central

Show Patients Needing

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require x-rays.

Practice Central

Show Patients Needing Portraits

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require portraits.

Practice Central

Show Patients Needing Medical History Update

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require a medical history update.

Practice Central

Show Patients Needing Perio Screening

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who require perio screening.

Practice Central

Show Patients With Watches on a Tooth

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have a watch attached to one or more teeth.

Practice Central

Show Patients Who Haven't Been HIPAA Acknowledged

Enables the user to display a list of patients with appointments for the current date who have not received a HIPAA notification.

Practice Central


Show Patients Who Referred Others

Enables the user to display a list of patients who have referred others to the practice.

Practice Central


Show Patients Re-entering Practice

Enables the user to display a list of patients who are re-entering the practice.

Practice Central


Show Patients with Multiple Appointments

Enables the user to display a list of patients with multiple appointments.

Practice Central


Show Patients Out on Referral

Enables the user to display a list of patients out on referral.

Practice Central


Show Patients w/Outstanding TPs not Scheduled

Enables the user to display a list of patients with outstanding treatment plans that are not scheduled.

Practice Central


Show Patients Who Have A History of Being Late

Enables the user to display a list of patients who have a history of being late.

Practice Central


Show Available Scheduler Times

Enables the user to display a list of available scheduling time slots for the selected range.

Practice Central


Show End Of Day Call Backs

Enables the user to display a list of patients who require a follow-up call at the end of the current day.

Practice Central


Show Yesterday's Callbacks

Enables the user to display a list of yesterday's callbacks.

Practice Central


Show Today's Unconfirmed Appointments

Enables the user to display a list of today's unconfirmed appointments.

Practice Central


Show Tomorrow's Unconfirmed Appointments

Enables the user to display a list of tomorrow's unconfirmed appointments.

Practice Central


Show Recurring Credit Card Payments

Enables the user to display a list of recurring credit card payments.

Practice Central


Show Document Review

Enables the user to display a list of documents to be reviewed.

Practice Central

Show Missed Appointments

Enables the user to display a list of missed appointments.

Practice Central

Show eReminders Section

Enables the user to display a list of patients with eReminders notices.