Handling Discounts

The discounts feature enables you to apply discounts automatically while posting a transaction. Because the discount is applied as a separate credit transaction, the original transaction is unaltered.

To set up a discount:

  1. Define the Discount:Define the Discount:Define and name each discount.

  2. Assign the Discount:Assign the Discount:Select a discount and assign it to the patient record. You can also apply a discount from the patient Transactions window.

  3. Assign a Discount to an ADA/Transaction Code:Assign a Discount to an ADA/Transaction Code:Associate the account with an ADA or transaction code.

After setting up a discount, each time a transaction is posted, an automatic check is made to see whether the:

If both are true, the discount is posted as a separate credit transaction.


Related Topics

Understanding Discount Security Features

Defining a Discount

Adding a Discount

Setting the Current Discount

Assigning a Discount to a Patient

Assigning a Discount to an Account

Assigning a Discount to a Procedure Code

Applying the Current Discount to a Patient or Account

Applying Any Discount to a Patient or Account

Printing Discounts on a Claim Form

Handling Refunds and Adjustments After Discounts

Running the Patients By Discount Report