Posting Payments > Handling Discounts
To add a discount:
Select System > Discount Schedule. The Discount Schedule List window is displayed.
Click Add. The Discount Schedule window is displayed.
Type a discount name, and select the transaction code number to which the discount will be applied.
Select the discount type from the Type drop-down list.
In the Value field, type the percentage or dollar amount.
Select an option from the Post drop-down list:
Do not use this posting method when creating a fixed discount type.
Select an option from the Rounding drop-down list:
To apply no rounding to the discounted amount:To apply no rounding to the discounted amount:
You can select $1.00, $.50, and $.25 from the Nearest drop-down list.
To restrict the discount to a set of procedure codes, select Enable, and select the starting and ending codes from the drop-down lists.
Type any discount notes in the Notes field. The notes are not displayed elsewhere in the software.
To set this discount as your current special, select set as current.
Click OK.