Understanding the ePostings Payment Detail Window

The ePostings Payment Detail window enables you to view the claims belonging to the ePostings payment you selected in the ePostings Payment Viewer window.

This window displays the claim amount sent by the insurance company, as well as the amount calculated by SoftDent.

The claim amounts must match on both sides of the window before you can post the payment. The Status field contains a link with menu options that will help you verify the claim details and match the claims.

There are several scenarios that can occur:

After you ensure that all the claims for the payment match up to the existing SoftDent claims, you can post the payment.

To match claim amounts and post ePostings payments:

  1. Do one of the following:

The ePostings Payment Viewer window is displayed.

  1. Double-click a payment. The ePostings Payment Detail window is displayed.

The upper portion of the ePostings Payment Detail window contains information about each of the claims associated with the payment.

For a description of the fields in the ePostings Payment Detail window, click herehere.

The ePostings Payment Detail window contains the following fields:

SoftDent Side

ePostings Side

Bottom of Window

Payment Transaction(s) to be Posted

For a description of the options available from the Options menu, click herehere.

  1. Use the Sort By options at the upper right of the window to sort the claims by the following:

  2. From DOS:From DOS:

    Select this option to sort the list by the date in the From column.

  3. Claim ID:Claim ID:

    Select this option to sort the list by the claim ID of the SoftDent claim that has been matched to the ePostings entry. The SoftDent claim ID is used regardless of whether the match is confirmed or not.

    • If the ePostings entry has not been matched to a SoftDent claim, the associated claim ID is zero and is displayed at the top of the list when the list is sorted by Claim ID. For these entries, the Claim ID column displays the text NEED.
      If the ePostings entry is a provider level adjustment (not associated with any claim), the associated claim ID is zero and is displayed at the top of the list when the list is sorted by Claim ID. For these entries, the Claim ID column displays the text N/A.

  4. Patient:Patient:

    Select this option to sort the list alphabetically, by patient last name. This is the default sort option.

  1. Select a claim to populate the fields at the bottom of the window with specific information about the procedures involved with the claim.

The lower portion of the window is divided into two sections—SoftDent and ePostings. Fields in the SoftDent section correspond to fields in the ePostings section, and text displayed in red indicates information that you must verify before the payment can be posted.

Example:Example:You submitted a claim for a procedure for $100.00 (Amt Submitted). You are expecting the insurance company to pay $75.00 (Expected Ins.), and the patient would pay the remaining $25.00 (Expected Pat. Resp.). When you receive the ePostings data, you see that the insurance company will only pay $50.00 (Ins Paid) for this procedure, as the benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached (Distribution Reasons). Depending on how you have your adjustment codes set up, the remaining $25.00 could either be assigned to the patient (Pat Resp.) or written off (Writeoff). You must verify the distribution of this $25.00 by either accepting it or by editing the distribution.


To resolve a transaction that does not match (all zeros displayed on the SoftDent side, and codes and totals displayed on the ePostings side, or vice versa):To resolve a transaction that does not match (all zeros displayed on the SoftDent side, and codes and totals displayed on the ePostings side, or vice versa):

  1. In the Status field, select a status displayed in red to activate the link. Click the link to display a menu of options that will help you match the claims. The links that can display include:

  2. Need Claim:Need Claim:

    • Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.

    • Associate with Completed  Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.

    • Mark Not Postable—Select this option in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office contains payment for more than just that office. Selecting this option displays a warning stating that this will cause the Posted amount to be different than the actual check amount.

    • This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.

  3. Confirm Claim:Confirm Claim:

    • Confirm Claim—After viewing the claim information, select this option to confirm that this is the correct claim.

    • View Associated Claim—Select this option to open the Claim window and view the claim information.

    • Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.

    • Associate with Completed Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.

    • Mark Not Postable—This option can be used in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office contains payment for more than just that office. Selecting this option displays a warning stating that this will cause the Posted amount to be different than the actual check amount.

    • This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.

  4. Verify Distrib:Verify Distrib:

    • Accept Distribution—After verifying all adjustment reasons, select this option to confirm that the SoftDent estimation did not match the actual ePostings distribution. If the Update Bluebook checkbox is selected and enabled, the bluebook is updated.
      The Bluebook window is not displayed.

    • Edit Distribution—Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns. For more information, see Understanding the ePostings Claim Detail window.

      If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more Dr$ IDs:

      If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more Dr$ IDs:

      The Claim Adjustment window is displayed after you click Accept Distribution or Edit Distribution and OK. In the Amount to Post column, type the amount that should be posted for each Dr$ ID and each transaction, or click Distribute by % to distribute the adjustment amount as a percentage of the total amount the doctor is receiving for the procedure. Click OK.

  5. Manual Distrib:Manual Distrib:

    • Edit Distribution—Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns. For more information, see Understanding the ePostings Claim Detail window.

    • Accept Distribution—Select this option to indicate that the reasons provided are acceptable and that the distributions should take place based on the original reason codes. If the Update Bluebook checkbox is selected and enabled, the bluebook is updated.
      The Bluebook window is not displayed.

      If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more Dr$ IDs:

      If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more Dr$ IDs:

      The Claim Adjustment window is displayed after you click Edit Distribution or Accept Distribution and OK. In the Amount to Post column, type the amount that should be posted for each Dr$ ID and each transaction, or click Distribute by % to distribute the adjustment amount as a percentage of the total amount the doctor is receiving for the procedure. Click OK.

After you click one link and perform the necessary task, another link is displayed. Click the new link and perform the necessary actions until the status is Ready.

Example 1:Example 1:

A claim has a status of Confirm Claim.

  1. Click Confirm Claim. An option menu is displayed.

  2. Select View Associated Claim. The Claim window is displayed.

  3. Verify that this is the correct information and click Close.

  4. Click Confirm Claim. The status has changed to Verify Distribution.

  5. Click Verify Distribution and do one of the following:

  6. To edit the distribution, select Edit Distribution. The ePostings Claim Detail window is displayed.

  7. Make the changes in the Pat Resp and Writeoff fields and click OK. The status changes to Ready.


Example 2:Example 2:

A claim has a status of Need Claim.

  1. Click Need Claim. An option menu is displayed.

  2. Select Associate with Claim. The Claim window is displayed.

  3. Find the matching claim in the list and double-click the claim. The status has changed to Manual Distrib.

  4. Click Manual Distrib and do one of the following:

  5. To edit the distribution, select Edit Distribution. The ePostings Claim Detail window is displayed.

  6. Make the changes in the Pat Resp and Writeoff fields and click OK. The status changes to Ready.


  1. Repeat the above steps for each claim in the payment until the status for all claims is Ready, Already Posted, Not Postable, Denied, Pre Auth, or Reversal.

  1. Click Post All. The ePostings Payment Viewer window is displayed.

  2. Continue with the next payment, or click Close.

When you close the ePostings Payment Viewer window, the following conditions might occur, depending on your software configuration:

  1. If any claims selected for final payment have secondary coverage, a message is displayed, stating that the claims were submitted to the secondary carrier and asking if you want to print the claims.
    To print the claims, click Yes. The Output Options window is selected. Select the printer and click OK.
    To place the claims in the insurance batch,
    click No.

  2. If this is the final payment on this claim (primary and secondary are complete), Ask to send statement after final insurance payment is selected on the Billing Statement Settings window, and the balance on the account is greater than the Minimum Amount Due to send statement amount, a message is displayed, asking if you want to print batched billing statements. Click Yes to print the statements.


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Understanding the ePostings Claim Detail Window