Handling Reports > Accounting Reports
The daysheet gives an overview of the day's finances, including all transactions posted, receivables totals, and the number of new and existing patients seen. The report summarizes productions, charges, adjustments, collections, and receivables for any or all providers. Finally, the report lists all checks for deposit and credit card charges, as well as Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments.
The deposit slip lists check and cash payments posted for the day. You can use this information when completing your bank deposit slip. The credit card deposit slip lists all personal and insurance credit card payments posted for the day. The EFT deposit slip lists all EFT payments posted for the day. The CareCredit deposit slip shows all CareCredit payments posted for the day.
The deposit slip for credit card, EFT, or CareCredit payments does not print if payments of that type were not posted for the day.
Additional Daysheet Info:Additional Daysheet Info:
The daysheet includes every transaction, including any dangling transactions that have not been fixed.
If you edit a past transaction, you must rerun a final daysheet for that day and all days since to ensure the accuracy of your receivables total and accounting reports. If you need to edit a transaction that is more than a few days old, it is better to make an adjustment. For information on adjustments, see Posting Adjustments.
If you run the final daysheet for the day and then find that you have forgotten to include a payment, you should add the payment as you typically would and then re-run the final daysheet.
You should not compare the receivables total from the Account Aging report with the receivables number on the daysheet. The defaults for the Account Aging report exclude a number of accounts, while the daysheet does not exclude any accounts.
To run the Daysheet report:
Select Reports > Accounting > Daysheet. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select the output type and click OK. The Daysheet Report window is displayed.
Select the date for the daysheet you want to run, and check the Is this the FINAL daysheet for this date? checkbox if this is the last daysheet for the day.
You must run a final daysheet at the end of every workday to ensure the accuracy of your receivables total and accounting reports.
Type the number of the format in which you want to print the first section of the daysheet. Select from these options:options:
1. List Each Transaction Separately—Lists every transaction posted during the specified date.
2. Summarize Patient Transactions—Lists the patient only once and groups the dollar amounts by production, charges, and so on.
3. Only List Totals—Lists only the totals for the specified date, grouped by production, charges, and so on.
To prevent a section of the daysheet from printing, deselect the option you do not want to print.
Select the provider(s) you want to include in the report, and select an option button by which to sort the report.
Click OK.
For an explanation of the items contained in the daysheet report, click herehere.
ID and Name—Patient or account ID and name. Transactions posted to the account will have the account's first name.
D$—Collecting provider.
Dr—Service provider.
Code and Description—Posted transaction code and ADA description.
Prod—Dollar amount of production codes posted (codes 100.00+).
Charges—Dollar amount of charges posted (codes 61.00-95.89, 97.00-97.89, 99.00-99.89).
Prod Adj—Dollar amount of production adjustments posted (codes 40.00-60.00).
Cash—Dollar amount of cash payments (codes 1.00-1.89).
Check—Dollar amount of check payments (codes 2.00-10.89).
Credit—Dollar amount of credit card payments (codes 11.00-20.89).
Pay Adj—Dollar amount of collection adjustments posted (codes 21.00-39.89, 96.00-96.89, 98.00-98.89).
Total Tax on Productions and Charges—Dollar amount of tax charged (if the tax feature is enabled).
Today's Receivables—Total accounts receivables for the day, including payments posted to insurance plans.
Insurance Plan Payments—Dollar amount of payments posted to insurance plans.
Expected Insurance—Dollar amount expected from insurance based on today's productions, including expected write-off for PPO plans.
Expected Write-Offs—Portion of Expected Insurance to be written off. The expected write-off is stored with the transaction.
Transferred to Budget Plans (code 60)—Total of any account balances transferred to a budget plan. These accounts were credited the transferred amount using code 60. (This field does not appear if you choose format 3.)
Charged to Budget Plans (code 48)—Total of any amounts charged to accounts with budget plans using code 48. (This field does not appear on format 3.) The amount transferred to budget plans should equal this amount. If an account budget plan was not set up correctly, BUDGET PLAN MISMATCH appears below the transaction.
Patients—Total number of patients who have production posted for the daysheet date. When the daysheet is run for individual providers, the patient is counted for the collecting provider and the service provider. When the daysheet is run for the practice, the patient is counted once, regardless of the number of production codes posted or providers seen.
New Patients—Number of patients with production posted for the daysheet date, and whose First Visit date also matches the daysheet date.
Electronic Funds Transfers—Number of transfers posted and the total dollar amount posted for reserved codes 2.90 and 2.93.
Previous Receivables Total—Previous day's entry in the Receivables Total (RCVTOT.DAT) file. Listed only if the Is this the FINAL daysheet for this date? option is selected in the Daysheet Report window.
Today's Receivables—Total accounts receivable for the day. Listed only if the Is this the FINAL daysheet for this date? option is selected in the Daysheet Report window.
New Receivables Total—Previous Receivables Totals +/- New Receivables Total. Listed only if the Is this the FINAL daysheet for this date? option is selected in the Daysheet Report window.
Provider Summary—Lists the following information:
ID—Doctor who collected/produced today's charges.
Provider—Name of provider.
Production$—Total dollar amount posted for provider Dr$ who collects on production codes 100.00+.
Production—Total dollar amount posted for service provider Dr on production codes 100.00+.
Charges—Total dollar amount posted for Dr$ charge codes 61.00-95.89, 97.00-97.89, 99.00-99.89.
Prod Adj$—Total dollar amount posted for Dr$ production adjustment codes 40.00-60.00.
Prod Adj—Total dollar amount posted for Dr production adjustment codes 40.00-60.00.
Tax—Total tax for today's transactions using Dr$ on transaction.
Collections—Total dollar amount posted for Dr$ collection codes 1.00-20.89.
Coll. Adj.—Total dollar amount posted for Dr$ collection adjustment codes 21.00-39.89.
Receivables—Change in receivables for the day.