Setting Daily Goals

To set a daily production goal for your office or a specific provider:

  1. Select Scheduler > Setup Goals and Colors. The Month At A Glance (GOAL) window is displayed.

  2. Select an option:

  3. To set a daily production goal for your practice:To set a daily production goal for your practice:Select Select Practice from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  4. To set a daily production goal for a specific provider:To set a daily production goal for a specific provider:Select Select Provider from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  1. Select a day and select Set Day’s Goal from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu.

  2. Type the daily goal amount and press Enter.

After you have saved a daily production goal, you can copy the goal to other days. For more information, see Copying Goals.

  1. Click Close.