The CareCredit program:
Enables a dental practice to offer financing options for healthcare expenses to its patients
Establishes a revolving credit line that can be used for future treatment without the need to reapply
Requires the practice to pay a processing fee for CareCredit transactions
A key benefit of CareCredit:A key benefit of CareCredit:
When this feature is activated:
CareCredit is launched from the software.
The required patient and account information is sent to CareCredit.
CareCredit uses the information to process the request.
Contact CareCredit for assistance with using the CareCredit program.
Note: A CareCredit icon displayed in color in the upper-right of the Patient window indicates that the patient is a CareCredit customer; an icon displayed in B&W
indicates that the patient is not a CareCredit customer.
Even if your office is currently offering CareCredit, you must perform several configuration steps to use the new integration. See Setting Up CareCredit for more information.
Using CareCredit Lookup Windows
Using the CareCredit Online Application
Using the CareCredit Payment Calculator
Viewing CareCredit Payment Plans