Understanding Appointment Icons

The icons are displayed at the bottom of patient appointments in the Daily Appointments window.

Click the icon for the description.


Color Mismatch

The Color Mismatch icon is displayed if the procedures scheduled for the appointment do not conform to color scheduling. Double-click this icon to display the Appointment Card window. In this window, you can select procedures that conform to color scheduling. For more information, see Setting Up Color Scheduling.

Color Match

The Color Match icon is displayed if the appointment conforms to color scheduling. Double-click this icon to display the Appointment Card window. In this window, you can select procedures to be performed during the selected appointment. For more information, see Setting Up Color Scheduling.


Click the Zoom icon to display additional appointment and patient information in the Assistant window.

View Medical Alert

The View Medical Alert icon is displayed if the patient has a medical alert. Click the icon to display the patient’s medical alert information in the Assistant window.

Dial Patient for Shortcall

The Dial Patient for Shortcall icon is displayed if the Short Call checkbox is selected in the Appointment Card window. Click the icon to display the auto dialer in the Patient Phone Numbers window.

View Patient Portrait

The View Patient Portrait icon is displayed if there is a patient portrait. Click this icon to view the portrait associated with the patient. You can also access the patient’s portrait using the Patient’s Portrait command located in the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu. You can also access this command from the appointments shortcut menu in the Daily Appointments window.

Patient Phone Numbers

The yellow telephone icon is displayed when an appointment does not occupy enough slots to display all of a patient's telephone numbers. Roll over the icon to view the phone numbers. Click the icon to display the Auto Dialer in the Patient Phone Numbers window.


The New icon is displayed when the appointment is scheduled for a new patient. After the patient is activated, this icon is no longer displayed. For more information, see Activating New Accounts or Patients.

Lab Case is outstanding

The Lab Case is outstanding icon is displayed when there is an outstanding lab case associated with the patient. Click this icon to display the Lab Case window. For more information, see Scheduling Appointments with Lab Cases.

Lab Case has been returned

The Lab Case has been returned icon is displayed after a lab case associated with the patient has been returned. Click this command to display the Lab Case window. For more information, see Scheduling Appointments with Lab Cases.

Hidden Slot Note Exists!

The Hidden Slot Note Exists! icon is displayed when a note is associated with the time slot. Click this icon to display the note in the Assistant window.

The User Code icon is displayed when patients are assigned user codes. Roll your cursor over this icon to display the associated user code.

Forms Need to be Completed/Signed

The Forms Need to be Completed/Signed icon is displayed if the patient has eForms that are not complete. Click this icon to open the eForms Review window. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.

Forms Need to be Reviewed

The Forms Need to be Reviewed icon is displayed if the patient has submitted eForms that need to be reviewed by the office. Click this icon to open the eForms Review window. This option is enabled only if you purchased eForms.


If a note is associated with an appointment, a small red triangle is displayed in the upper-right corner of the appointment. Place the cursor on the triangle to view the note text.