Adding Scheduling Color Group Definitions

You can create up to 15 color group definitions based on procedure codes or production amounts.

To add a color group:

  1. Select Scheduler > Setup Goals and Colors. The Month At A Glance (GOAL) window is displayed. Last year’s production goal, last year’s production amount, last year’s scheduled production amount, and the current day’s production goal are displayed for each day of the month that the practice is open.

  2. This year's production will be one day forward from last year's production, and two days forward in a leap year.

  1. Select Set Up Color Groups from the Options section of the Express bar or the Options menu. The Scheduling Color Definitions window is displayed.

The first four color groups are already set up, and you cannot edit the group descriptions or delete these groups. You can change the colors of these reserved groups (except for the Daybook). By default, the Daybook color is navy, lunch hours are green, holidays are burgundy, and the open schedule is white.

  1. Click Add. A new line is displayed.

  2. Type the color group description in the Description field. For example, to create color groups to help you schedule similar procedures together, type Hygiene, Oral surgery, or Crown & Bridge in the field. This title is used to label slots in the Daybook after it is painted.

  3. Press Tab and select an option:

  4. To color schedule by procedure:To color schedule by procedure:Select the ADA or CPT codes from the Min Code and Max Code drop-down lists and press Tab. A message asking you whether to associate a minimum and maximum dollar amount with the code range is displayed.

  1. To color schedule by procedure and production amount:To color schedule by procedure and production amount:Select the ADA or CPT codes from the Min Code and Max Code drop-down lists and press Tab. A message asking you whether to assign a minimum and maximum dollar amount with the code range is displayed.

  2. To color schedule by production amount:To color schedule by production amount:Press Tab twice and do not select any codes from the Min Code and Max Code drop-down lists. Skip to number 7.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To color schedule by procedure:To color schedule by procedure:Click No. Press Tab twice. Skip to number 8.

  3. To color schedule by procedure and production amount:To color schedule by procedure and production amount:Click Yes.

  1. Select an option:

  2. To color schedule by procedure and production amount:To color schedule by procedure and production amount:Type the dollar amounts in the Min$ and Max$ fields, and press Tab. Procedures in the specified procedural range and dollar range should be scheduled with this color. For example, a color group could consist of procedure codes 1000—1999 and with charges between $50—$100.

  3. To color schedule by production amount:To color schedule by production amount:Type the dollar amounts in the Min$ and Max$ fields, and press Tab. Procedures in the specified dollar range should be scheduled with this color. For example, color group 1 contains all procedures with charges $1.00—99.99, and color group 2 contains all procedures with charges $100.00—299.99.

  1. Double-click the Color column. The Color window is displayed.

  2. Select a color and click OK. The Scheduling Color Definitions window is displayed.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Close. A message asking you to confirm the changes to the color table is displayed.

  5. Click Yes.