Running the Accountant's Earnings Report

The Accountant's Earnings report shows a breakdown of transaction codes posted. Using this information, SoftDent calculates your net collections, net productions, net charges, tax, and the expected income for the specified time period.

To run the Accountant's Earnings report:

  1. Select Reports > Accounting > Accountant's Earnings. The Output Options window is displayed.

  2. Select the output and click OK. The Accountant's Earnings Report window is displayed.

  3. In the Dates section, click the drop-down arrows in the Starting and Ending fields to select the report dates from a calendar.

  4. In the Provider section, click the drop-down arrow to select the provider number from a list, or leave the first provider set to 999 to report on all providers.

  5. Click OK.

Additional Details:Additional Details:

The first section of the report lists all transactions posted for the specified period, categorized by code number. It includes the codes, descriptions, number of times posted, and dollar total.

The second section of the report lists net collection and net production totals for the specified period, along with a tax summary. The tax summary only prints if you have tax enabled in the system settings, and it differs depending on the tax method your practice uses.

This report includes every transaction in the TRANS.DAT file, including dangling transactions.


Report Elements

Total Collections = Total dollar amount posted to collections (codes 1.00-20.89).

Adjust (Increase Collections) = Total dollar amount posted to adjustment codes 21.00-29.89, 96.00-96.89.

Adjust (Decrease Collections) = Total dollar amount posted to adjustment codes 30.00-39.89, 98.00-98.89.

Total Production = Total dollar amount posted to production codes 100.00+.

Total Charges = Total dollar amount posted to charge codes 61.00-95.89, 97.00-97.89, 99.00-99.89.

Adjust (Increase Prod/Charges) = Total dollar amount posted to adjustment codes 40.00-49.89.

Adjust (Decrease Prod/Charges) = Total dollar amount posted to adjustment codes 50.00-60.89.

Tax on Collections = Tax on collections posted (codes 1.00-29.89, 96.00-96.89).

Tax Credited back from adjustments = Tax credited on adjustments posted (codes 30.00-39.89, 98.00-98.89).

Tax Liability for this period = Tax on Collections - Tax Credited back from adjustments.

Tax Credited back from adjustments = Tax credited on adjustments posted (codes 50.00-59.89).

Tax Liability = Tax Charged - Tax Credited back from adjustments.

Sample Report