Posting Applied Payments

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Applied Payments Recorded Class

For practices that pay providers based on collections, Sensei Cloud's Applied Payments functionality enables you to apply funds from posted credits to open debits, or charges. By applying payments directly to a producer's work, you can track and report on collection activities for each provider. This functionality is disabled by default. Administrative permissions are required to enable it.

You can also enable a prompt that displays the Apply Payment window automatically when a payment is posted, enabling a team member to distribute the funds.

When this feature is enabled, you can:

To enable the Applied Payments feature:

  1. In the upper-right corner of a window, select your name and then click Administration. The Administration window is displayed.

  1. Select Practice Settings > Financial Rules.

  2. Under Actions, click Edit Financial Rules.

  3. In the This Practice Distributes Credits field, click Yes.

  4. To prompt users to apply posted funds to open charges, in the Automatically Prompt to Distribute field, click Yes.

  5. If you click No, you must select the payment from the ledger and then apply it.

  1. Click Save.

  2. When you apply a write-off distribution, you can specify how much each procedure is worth in the write-off.


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Applying Payments When Posting a Transaction

Applying Payments After Posting a Transaction

Tracking Applied and Unapplied Payments

Posting Payments

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