Getting Started > Introducing the PracticeWorks Practice Management Software
The starting point for adding, editing, and selecting most things in PracticeWorks is called a pick list.
You can access the following pick list windows from the Lists menu at the top of your screen:
Insurance Companies
Insurance Claims
Transaction Codes
Pre-defined Appointments
Medical Alerts
Prescription Drugs
Production block booking definitions
Employee block booking definitions
NEA Payer Info
Referral Sources
Attachment Categories
Patient Attachments
Bulk Payments
Each pick list contains a list of entries for its category. When you double-click the list you want to view, or select it and click OK, PracticeWorks displays the appropriate window, such as the Insurance Company Definition screen, or the Clipboard for an individual.
If you do not see the name you want, start typing the name next to the word Find near the bottom of the screen. The list moves automatically to match your entry. The buttons and options differ for each pick list, but the way they function is similar.
Introducing the PracticeWorks Practice Management Software
Installing the PracticeWorks Software