Rescheduling an Appointment

The Reschedule/Cancel Appointment window enables you to assign reasons for patient cancellations. You can also select whether to reschedule an appointment, cancel the appointment, or mark the appointment as pending.

The Reason for Change section includes the following options:

The Appointment handling section includes the following options:

When a patient calls to reschedule an appointment:

  1. Right-click the existing appointment in the book and select Reschedule/Cancel/Failed from the menu. The Reschedule/Cancel Appointment window is displayed.

  2. Under Reason for change, select an option.

  3. Under Appointment handling, select Reschedule now. The appointment changes to reschedule mode by becoming bright yellow and slightly off-center.

  4. Right-click the appointment and select Appointment Expert.

  5. Continue with the procedures in Making a New Appointment.

  6. Beginning in Version 8.1, you can drag-and-drop an appointment to reschedule it. When you begin dragging an appointment, the Reschedule/Cancel Appointment window is displayed. Select Reschedule now and click OK. The appointment becomes a floating yellow box, and you can select a new day or time, and drop it into the new slot.


Related Topics

Using the Appointment Book

Making a New Appointment