Charting the Patient > Treatment Planning
Before PracticeWorks can utilize the treatment plan for scheduling appointments, the patient must accept the plan. This is the patient’s agreement to proceed with a defined set of procedures toward a specific outcome. Several other functions within the system depend on the information residing in an accepted treatment plan.
You can print the treatment plan for the patient, or you can show the patient the plan on your computer screen. You can also present more than one treatment plan and let the patient choose. There can be several plans for one patient, but only one at a time can be accepted and active.
There are four ways to indicate that the patient accepts a plan:
When you enter the treatment plan from the patient’s chart, you are prompted for the patient’s acceptance upon exiting the charting module.
From the Treatment Plan Pick List, select the plan and click Accept.
When you make a new appointment, or double-click an existing appointment, for a patient with an unaccepted treatment plan, the Treatment Plan Pick List pops up, prompting you to accept a treatment plan from which to schedule procedures.
Treatment plans that are auto-created during the scheduling of an appointment are, by definition, accepted.