Managing Patient Accounts > Accessing the Clipboard > Adding an Insured Party
When a patient’s insurance is provided through someone else, such as a spouse or parent:
Under Relationship to insured party, select the appropriate relationship from the drop-down menu. The Insured Party Pick List is displayed.
Select the Insured Party in the list. An Insured Party is indicated with an ip in the Type column. If ip is not in this column, but you know that it should be, you can promote this person to an Insured Party. See Promoting Someone to an Insured Party for instructions.
The Person Insurance Plan List is displayed for the Insured Party you selected.
Select the plan you want and click OK.
One person can be the Insured Party for both primary and secondary dental, and primary and secondary medical.
If the relationship of this patient to the Insured Party is other, enter the relationship. Examples include Grandma, grandpa, cousin, neighbor, and so forth.
When you create a clipboard for a child patient whose parents both carry insurance, you must determine which insurance to assign as the child’s primary coverage.
To answer this, apply the birthday rule. Under this rule, the plan of the parent whose birthday occurs first in the calendar year is designated as primary. The date of birth is the determining factor, not the year.