Setting Up Insurance for Self

If there is no insurance information on file for the patient, the screen defaults to none in the Primary and Secondary sections. First, determine whether the insured party is the patient or someone else.

If the patient is the insured party:

  1. Under Primary insurance, in the Relationship to insured party field, select Self from the drop-down list. The Insurance Plan Pick List is displayed.

  2. Begin typing the employer’s name in the Find entry area. If the employer is already in your system, the choice is displayed and highlighted in the list.

If the patient’s plan is not on the list, click Add and follow the instructions in Adding a New Insurance Plan (Employer/Plan).

  1. Fill in at least the following fields: Name, Address, City, Sate, Zip, and Phone.

  2. If this person is NOT a patient, deselect the patient option.

  3. Select self as the patient’s Lives With value.

  4. Click OK to save this new clipboard. Return to the Person Pick List, and the person you added is highlighted.

  5. Click OK to select the newly added person as the Lives With for the patient you started with in step 1.

  6. You can enter an address and home phone number only for patients who are their own Lives With. All other patients display this information from their Lives With, so the option is disabled on the patient’s clipboard. To change the address or home phone number of a patient who is not their own Lives With, click View to bring up their clipboard, and change it there. Changes made to the Lives With clipboard are automatically made for all patients with the same Lives With.

If the Clipboard is incomplete, you can attach a Yellow Sticky to this person, to be displayed the next time they check in, to indicate what information is missing.

Each of the four areas on this page (Primary insured, Secondary insured, Primary medical insurance and Secondary medical insurance) works the same way. Start by using the drop-down list to select the relationship between this patient the appropriate Insured Party. If you select self, the Employer/Plan Pick List is displayed so you can choose the person’s Employer/Plan. If you select spouse, child or other options from the list, the Person Pick List is displayed so you can choose the Insured Party. After you select the Employer/Plan or the Insured Party, the Employer/Plan and Insurance Company names are displayed.

Patient ID#

If this plan requires a unique identification number for each patient (as opposed to using the ID number of the Insured Party for all patients covered by that Insured Party), enter that here. Medicaid is a good example in many states. If there is something in this field, it goes on the claim instead of the Insured Party’s Social Security number, for both printed and electronically submitted claims.

View Buttons

Click View to view the following insurance details:

The Other Information area at the bottom of the page enables you to input specific variables needed by the system.


Related Topics

Setting Up Insurance for Other than Self

Entering the Patient's Insurance Information

Adding an Insured Party

Posting Insurance Payments