Performing Staff and Security Functions > Using the Personal ToDo List
When you first open the Personal ToDo List, the Task List displays only active tasks for the current date, in date due order, including tasks due through the selected date (today). The tasks are color-coded to help you identify their type:
Active Tasks - Black
Tasks for a date prior to today - Red
Completed tasks - Gray
Future tasks - Blue
When you select a task from the list, additional information is displayed in the following fields:
By clicking the corresponding column header, you can sort tasks by Date Due, Description, or Priority. Click the column header once to sort in ascending order; click again to sort in descending order.
The window displays today’s day and date, the date due, the description of tasks to be completed, the task’s priority, and a calendar with the current date selected.
An additional notes section and several status panels are displayed at the bottom of the window.