Setting Up Office Expert

Office Expert is a management tool that generates a report of items that might need your attention. It displays a list of tasks and provides access to the tools you need to complete each task. More...

To set up Office Expert:

  1. Click Maintenance/Set-up and select Office Expert Setup, or select Functions > Maintenance/Set-up > Office Expert Setup from the menu bar.

  2. To turn off the reports you do not want to include in Office Expert, click each tab and deselect the options for each unwanted report.

  3. In the FYI, Important, and Urgent columns, enter the number of accounts, number of days, number of months, and so on — depending on the type of report — to define the priority of each of the reported values.

  4. In the Action column, use the drop-down lists to select the action to take for each report. To prevent an action from being taken, select None.

  5. If you select Contact Expert in the Action column, use the drop-down list in the Contact Expert field, displayed in the Options section, to select the name of the specific Contact Expert.

  1. In the Options section, if applicable, select the criteria for each report by clicking an option button.

  2. Click Apply to save your changes and continue working. Click OK to save your changes and close the window, or click Cancel to close the window without making any changes.

To view the reports found under each tab of the Office Expert Setup window, click here.


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