Using Contact Experts and Office Expert > Using Contact Experts
You can perform additional tasks with the names the system retrieves from the initial search by using the following fields and buttons:
After selecting additional output fields from the bottom of the Search Results window, you can select an individual name on the list to view information for that individual which pertains to the parameters you selected.
If the patient has more than one responsible party, use the drop-down list in the Rsp. Parties field to view information for the other responsible parties.
Click Remove to remove a patient from the active search list (for example, as you call a patient, or to prevent a patient from receiving a letter).
This button does not remove patients from the system.
Click Restore to add a patient to the active search list again.
Click the question mark icon to display the search options used to create the list.
Click Photos to view photographs of the patients on the list, if snapshots are available.
Click on the photo to display a menu of available actions to perform on that patient:
Open Patient Chart
Financial Functions
Click Return to Text Fields to close the window and return to the Search Results window.
Click Letters to post letters to the patients found by the search.
Select the letter type and click OK.
Click Labels to print mailing labels.
Select the Name Format and the Number of Labels and click Print. The Contact Expert Labels window is displayed. Click OK.
Click Cards to print recall cards.
To print recall cards:
If your practice has more than one location, use the drop-down list to select the office location.
Select the message for the recall card. The message text is displayed in the window at the bottom of the window.
Use the buttons to edit, add, or delete a recall message:
Click Add New to add a new message title and message text to the Recall Cards window.
Select a message and click Change to edit the message title and message text.
Select a message and click Remove to remove a recall card message from the system. The software displays a window asking if you are sure you want to delete the message. Select Yes.
Click OK. The Print Setup window is displayed. Click OK to print the recall cards.
Click Report to print reports and export search results and .csv files for use in other applications, such as spreadsheets.
Select from the following options:
Select Print Report and use the drop-down list to select a printer, if necessary. Enter the number of copies to print.
Select Preview Report to view an on-screen version of the report to verify that you have the correct information.
Select Export Contents to export .csv files. The system prompts you to select a file location in which to export the files.
Click OK to print/export the report.
Click Export to export the report information for use with HouseCalls appointment confirmation software. The system prompts you to select a file location in which to export the .dat files.
Click Totals to display financial information for all patients in the list.
The Financial Totals window displays the balances and aging of accounts at the top of the window along with the dollar amount for each category.
To change the display of the Financial Totals window, select from the following options:
Click the option buttons at the bottom of the window to change the view from Dollar Amounts to Number of Accounts or Percent of Accounts.
In the Chart Type field, use the drop-down list to select from two-dimensional or three-dimensional bar or pie charts.
Click Print Graph to print the totals and the 2D bar graph for each of the views.
Click Close to close the window and return to the search results window.
Click Restart to start another search or modify the current search. The software prompts you to save the search if you have not already done so. If you select Save, both the search options and the list of patients are saved. The same list can be accessed at a later date.
If a search fails to find the desired accounts, you can use the Restart button to return to the Contact Expert window. The window retains your search parameters, and you can change the search parameters or enter new parameters.
Click Apply to save the search. The system prompts you to name the search. Type a name and click OK.
When creating Contact Experts for use with Office Expert, be sure to use a naming convention so the search sets are grouped together.
Click Close to exit the Contact Experts function. The software prompts you to save the search if you have not already done so. To save the search, click Yes. Type a name for the attribute set on the next prompt and click OK. Or click No to close the window without saving.
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