To delete an image from the patient database, follow these steps:
In the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom mode, right-click on the image.
Tip: In the Image Viewing Workspace, you can use Ctrl +, click to select more than one image, and then right-click on the selection. |
In the shortcut menu, select Delete. The Delete window is displayed, prompting you to confirm that you want to delete the selected image. The selected image is highlighted in red.
Note: If Delete does not appear in the shortcut menu, then the Allow deletion of patient cards and images setting has not been activated in the Service Preferences. |
In the Delete window, click Delete. The selected image is permanently removed from the image database.
Tip: You can select one or more images in the Image Gallery, right-click on the selections, and click Delete. |
Using the Toolbars in the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom Mode
Viewing Images in Slide Show Mode
Saving Images in the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom Mode
System-Generated Image Overlays
Displaying Image Information in Overlays
Using the Alt Key to Adjust Image Properties