Creating a Patient Card

If you are using CS Imaging in standalone mode, instead of with a DPMS that already contains patient records, you must create a Patient Card before you can acquire images for that patient.

To create a Patient Card, follow these steps:

  1. Open CS Imaging in the standalone mode. See Using CS Imaging when the DPMS is Unavailable. The Patient Browser is displayed.

  2. In the Patient Browser, click . The Patient Card window is displayed.

  3. Enter patient information in the Patient Card window.


 Note: The First Name and Last Name fields are mandatory, up to 64 characters.


  1. When you have finished entering data, click OK.

The Patient Card window closes, and the new patient is displayed in the Patient List.


Related Topics

Working with Patient Data in Standalone Mode

Adding a Picture to a Patient Card

Sorting the Patient List

Searching for a Patient in the Patient List

Refreshing the Patient List

Deleting a Patient Card

Viewing a Patient Card

Modifying a Patient Card