Adding Provider Information

If you select Provider in the Biographical section, the Provider Info tab is activated. On the Provider Info tab, you can add detailed information about a provider, such as tax ID information, dental and medical license information, and specialties. Information from this window is used to populate insurance forms, prescriptions, and other forms printed from the software.

To add provider information:

  1. On the Provider Info tab, in the Tax ID and UPIN fields, enter the provider’s ID numbers.

  2. If you want to use the provider’s Social Security number as his employee identification number, select the Print SSN as EIN? checkbox.

  3. In the Medical License, Dental License, and Anesthesia License fields, enter the provider’s license information as needed.

  4. In the Taxonomy Code field, enter the taxonomy code for this provider, if applicable.

  5. In the Specialty field, select the provider’s specialty from the drop-down list.

  6. In the Rx IDs section, enter the prescription ID number for the provider in the Rx ID field, and use the Alternate License field to enter any additional prescription ID number.
    Adding IDs for a specific office

  1. In the NEIC Site IDs section, enter the site identification number in the Default ID field.
    Entering an NEIC site ID for a specific office

  2. Click Ok.

Related Topics

Editing an Rx ID

Deleting an Rx ID

Editing an NEIC ID

Deleting an NEIC ID