Using the Trophy Software to OMS Imaging Software Converter

If you have images captured with Trophy software, version 5 or lower, you can convert these images to OMS imaging software images that can be accessed in WinOMS.

The computer used for the Trophy software to OMS imaging software conversion must meet four criteria:

To convert the images:

  1. Select Utilities > My Computer Settings. The My Computer Settings window is displayed.

  2. Click the Images tab. If the Trophy software is detected by WinOMS, a Convert button is displayed.

  3. Click Convert to begin the Trophy software to OMS imaging software conversion. The converter runs until it is finished converting the images acquired with the Trophy software.

  4. If different image locations were used for storage of images acquired with the Trophy software on a per-office basis, log in to WinOMS as that posting office and run the converter again.

  5. Repeat for each image location.