Printing Refund Checks

You can automatically print checks for patient refunds. While this procedure is often considered to be a month-end activity, it can be performed at any time.

The refunds must be flagged at the time they are posted. In the Payment/Adjustment Entry window, verify that Print Refund Check is selected during the posting process.

Before printing checks, you can print a Pre-Check report, which provides you with the total amount of refund checks to print.

To print a Pre-Check report or refund checks:

  1. Select Billing > Refund Check Processing. The Refund Check Processing window is displayed.

  2. In the Print column, all checkboxes are selected by default. Deselect the checkboxes of the patients for which you do not want to print a Pre-Check report or a refund check.

  3. In the Print Options section of the window, select Print Pre-Check Report or Print Checks and Post-Check Report. If you select the latter, enter a starting check number and check date.

  4. Click Print.