Creating a New Digital Form

To create a new digital form:

  1. Select Letters > Digital Forms Maintenance > Digital Forms. The Digital Form Search window is displayed.

  2. Click Display All to see a list of existing forms.

  3. Click New. The Digital Form Data Entry window is displayed.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the new form.

  5. In the Category field, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate category.

  6. In the Description field, type a brief description of the form and its purpose.

  7. The Active checkbox is selected by default, indicating that this form is available in other windows. Deselect this if you do not want the form to be available. For example, if the form is a template used to design other forms, or if it is incomplete, deselect Active.

  8. The System checkbox indicates whether a form is provided with the software as a system form, or template. This checkbox cannot be selected or deselected.

  1. Click Modify Layout. A blank Microsoft Word software file is opened with the WinOMS Data Field List and Document Controls Gallery open.

  2. Enter your text in the document, and click items in the Data Field and Document Controls lists to insert them into the documents.

  3. When you have finished with the form, click Save Template.


Related Topics

Using Categories for Digital Forms

Inserting WinOMS Data Fields into a Form

Inserting Document Controls into a Form