Creating Digital Forms from a Template

WinOMS provides a sample set of templates that can be customized for your practice. These templates are marked as System in the Digital Forms Search and Digital Form Data Entry windows. You can also use any existing form as a template.

To use a template to make a new form:

  1. Select Letters > Digital Forms Maintenance > Digital Forms. The Digital Form Search window is displayed.

  2. Search for the form you want to use, or click Display All. A list of forms is displayed.

  3. Select the form you want to use and click Save As. The Digital Form Data Entry window is displayed.

  4. Enter a Name, Category, and Description for the new form.

  5. Click Ok to save the new form, or click Modify Layout to edit the contents.


Related Topics

Creating a New Digital Form

Creating Digital Forms from Microsoft Word Software Documents

Editing a Digital Form