Saving and Locking Anesthesia Records

After you have recorded the data on the different tabs of the Create Anesthesia Record window, click OK on the bottom to save and close it. The Anesthesia Records window is displayed, listing all the anesthesia records for the patient.

After the record has been created and saved, you can still make changes to the record by selecting it in the list and clicking . The record opens in Edit mode.

You cannot edit vital sign data recorded and stored on the Surgery-Vitals tab from a connected monitor session, but you can attach notes to specific data points. All other tabs of information are editable until the anesthesia record is locked.

To lock the record so that no more changes can be made to the data, select it in the list, right-click, and select .

After the record is locked, you can view the date, status, and user who locked the record by right-clicking the record and selecting Locked By.

Opening a Copy of a Locked Record

You cannot edit an anesthesia record after it is locked, but you can open a copy of a record and make changes to the copy.

On the patient's Anesthesia tab, right-click the record and select Open a Copy. A copy of the record is opened in Edit mode with the Surgery-Vitals tab cleared and ready to begin recording the details of the next procedure.