Setting Up Preferences

You can define the features of your anesthesia records, including how the records are locked, what information is documented, and the type of output displayed on reports.

To set up anesthesia record preferences:

  1. Select Tables > Practice > Charting Preferences. The Charting Preferences window is displayed.

  2. Select the Anesthesia Record tab.

  3. Under Record Locking Preferences, select a locking method for your records. Once the record is locked, it can be viewed and printed, but not edited.

If you select Automatically Lock Anesthesia Record After,

If you select Allow Anesthesia Record to be Manually Locked,

You can select one, both, or neither of these options.

  1. Under Assistant Labels, enter the titles of those who assist the surgeon, such as Anesthesiologist. The labels you define here are displayed on the General Info tab of the Create Anesthesia Record window, where you select the appropriate staff member for each label when creating the patient’s record.

  2. Under Labels for Values to Plot/Graph, the first two fields indicate that the patient’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings will be recorded. Use the following four fields to define the other signs to monitor and record, such as pulse, O2 saturation levels, or temperature.

  3. Under Report Options, select one or both of the following to display on the report:

Include Vital Signs Graph

Include Vital Graph Data Points

  1. Under Vital Signs, select Ask me to Clean Up Temporary Files from Anesthesia Monitor if you want to be prompted before the temporary record of the patient's vital signs is deleted. When this option is unchecked, the temporary data file is deleted automatically when the vital sign data points recorded in connected mode are imported into the patient's record.

  2. Click the Discharge/Verify tab to define the set of questions to answer before discharging the patient. Click  to edit the questions fields. The questions and answer groups you define are displayed on the Other tab of the Create Anesthesia Record window.

  3. In the top section of the window, click the buttons on the right to create a list of questions, or use the fields in the bottom section to enter questions to be displayed as check boxes. The questions defined here are displayed on the Other tab of the Create Anesthesia Record window.

  4. Click OK to save your preferences, or return to the Anesthesia Record tab and click Customize to define more details. See Customizing Anesthesia Records for more information.

Related Topics

Customizing Anesthesia Records

Setting Security Level Permissions

Configuring the Vital Signs Monitor