Recording Drug Administration

Record the administration of drugs during the procedure by clicking the Drugs tab on the Surgery - Vitals tab.

To track and record the administration of drugs during the procedure:

  1. From the Drug Panel list, select the panel being used. The individual drugs in the panel are listed in the Drug section below it, with the default number of units next to each.

To change the number of units of a drug the patient receives, click the arrows to the right of the drug name and dosage.

  1. Click and drag the selected drug panel to the appropriate Time column of the Drug (Agent) Description section. The cursor changes to a prescription bottle icon while you are dragging. The individual drugs that compose the drug panel are listed in this section.

To add an additional drug to the list, click and drag it from the drug list, or click the blue plus sign on the left to display the Add Anesthesia Drug (Agent) window and add the drug and dosage.

  1. Record the administration of the initial dosages of each drug in the first time block section by clicking in the arrows to indicate the number of units given.

  2. As the procedure progresses, click the appropriate time block to enter the dosage of each drug.