Updating Treatment Plan Fee Schedules

Use fee schedules to attach several charges to a code.

You can:

If you need to change a fee schedule amount for a production code, you can update all treatment plan transactions for the code at the same time.

To update a production code or treatment plan fee schedule:

  1. Select an option:

  2. Select ADA Codes from the List menu.

  3. From any window, press Ctrl + C.

The ADA/CPT/Transaction Code List window is displayed.

  1. Select the code that requires modification, and click Edit. The ADA/CPT/Transaction Code window is displayed.

  2. Click the Scheduler/Fees tab. Type the fee in the Fee Schedules section of the window, and click OK. The Update Fees Wizard is displayed.

  3. Select an option:

  4. To update all future treatment plan transactions for the code:To update all future treatment plan transactions for the code:Click Update Now. The Update Fee Scheduler window is displayed. Select Update Treatment Fee, select the effective date from the Treatment Plans Before _ will be updated field, and click OK. A message that informs you that the fee schedules have been updated is displayed. Click OK.

  1. To update treatment plan transactions at a later date:To update treatment plan transactions at a later date:Click Update Later.

The ADA/Transaction Code window is displayed.

  1. Click Close twice.