Getting Started > Starting the Software
Use the Practice Information window to enter practice information that can be printed on forms and statements distributed to patients, doctors, and insurance companies.
To enter practice information:
Select File > Practice. The Practice Information window is displayed.
Type the practice name, address, city, state, and zip code in the appropriate fields. These default values are automatically displayed in all records that are added to the database. The first five digits of the zip code are used as the default value for any accounts and providers added to the database.
Select the provider assigned to all new account records from the Set New Account Dr. to drop-down list. For more information, see Handling Provider Information.
Type the practice bank account number and the minimum age for an adult patient in the appropriate fields.
Primary teeth are automatically displayed in the charting module for patients younger than the specified age.
Type your Type 2 (Group) ID number in the National Provider Id field.
If your practice bills by doctor, leave this field blank.
Type the office name and abbreviation in the Short Name and Abbreviated Name fields.
If you purchased ePayments, Processing is enabled is displayed in the Credit Card Processing section. If you do not use this software package, Processing is not enabled is displayed. For more information, see eServices.
To purchase any electronic practice management service, contact an eServices representative.
Type the practice’s federal tax identification number (TIN) in the Federal Tax field. The TIN is displayed on insurance forms.
Click the ID#’s tab and type the practice identification numbers used by the specified insurance carrier in the (11) Blue Shield through (14) State Medicare fields. Type practice identification numbers that are required by other insurance companies or health organizations in the (15) through (22) fields.
Click the Contact tab and type the phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses in the appropriate fields.
Click the Default ADA tab and select the ADA personal check payment, personal credit card payment, personal refund, insurance credit card payment, and CareCredit codes by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the codes from the ADA/Transaction Codes window.
Only codes entered in the Insurance Payment by section of the window are available for credit card processing and claim attachment.
If you subscribed to ePostings, the fields in the ePostings Codes section are automatically populated.
If you purchased eServices software, select Enable Credit Card Processing from the Express bar or Options menu, select Enabled for Practice or Enabled for Providers, and click OK.
Select Credit Card Options from the Express bar or Options menu to display the Carestream ePayments Setup window, where you can load or reload your VisaNet ini file, view or edit workstation settings, view or edit merchant information, and view or edit settings shared by the practice.
Click OK.
Click Close.