eServices > Using the ePostings Service
The ePostings Payment Detail window enables you to view the claims belonging to the ePostings payment you selected in the ePostings Payment Viewer window.
This window displays the claim amount sent by the insurance company, as well as the amount calculated by SoftDent.
The claim amounts must match on both sides of the window before you can post the payment. The Status field contains a link with menu options that will help you verify the claim details and match the claims.
There are several scenarios that can occur:
The SoftDent claim amount and the ePostings claim amount match when you receive the information from the clearinghouse. These claims have a status of Ready, and you can post the payment.
You must verify the claim information by associating the payment with a claim or confirming the claim.
You must verify the payment distribution.
You must verify the claim and payment information.
After you ensure that all the claims for the payment match up to the existing SoftDent claims, you can post the payment.
To match claim amounts and post ePostings payments:
Do one of the following:
Select Insurance > Insurance Payments > ePostings > ePostings Payment Viewer.
Click in the ePostings Notifications section in Practice Central.
Select the ePostings Notifications entry in the Office Expert Summary in Practice Central.
The ePostings Payment Viewer window is displayed.
Double-click a payment. The ePostings Payment Detail window is displayed.
The upper portion of the ePostings Payment Detail window contains information about each of the claims associated with the payment.
For a description of the fields in the ePostings Payment Detail window, click herehere.
The ePostings Payment Detail window contains the following fields:
Displays the patient last name, first name, and middle initial.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, there is no associated patient, and **Provider Adj** is displayed.
Displays the Guarantor for the patient.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, this column is blank.
Displays the start Date of Service for the claim.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, the column displays //.
Displays the end Date of Service for the claim.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, this column displays //.
Displays the total amount of the individual claim.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, this column displays 0.00.
Displays the total payment for the individual claim.
If the line item is for a Provider Adjustment, this is the amount of the adjustment.
Displays the portion of this claim's total claim amount that is the patient's responsibility.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, this column displays 0.00.
Displays the write-off amount for the claim.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, this column displays 0.00.
Displays the portion of this claim's total claim amount that the software cannot assign to Patient Responsibility, Write Off, or Other Insurance.
If a total is displayed in this field, you must manually distribute the adjustment amount.
Displays the claim ID of the SoftDent claim associated with the ePostings payment.
If the line item is for a claim that has not yet been matched to a SoftDent claim, this column displays NEED.
If the line item is for a provider adjustment, the column displays N/A.
Displays the following codes:
Click Need Claim to display a menu to help you associate the claim.
Click Confirm Claim to display a menu to help you confirm the claim.
Verify Distrib:Verify Distrib:
Click Verify Distrib to display a menu to help you accept or edit the distribution.
Manual Distrib:Manual Distrib:
Click Manual Distrib to display a menu to help you edit and accept the distribution.
The claim amounts match, and no further action must be taken. When all claims have a Ready status, you can post the payment.
The claim has been denied by the insurance company. See the Distribution Reasons section at the bottom of the window for an explanation.
The claim is a pre-authorization. No payment is made.
The amount is a reversal.
The amount is not postable.
Already Posted:Already Posted:
The claim has already been posted.
Check this box to indicate that the ePostings payment associated with this claim is a final payment for that claim. All Final statuses receive a check by default.
All Denied statuses receive a check by default and cannot be changed.
If all transactions can be matched to the ePostings payment for that claim, the Final option is selected by default. You should confirm the transactions and deselect the option, if necessary.
Check this box to prevent claims that are otherwise ready for posting from being processed. Initially, all ePostings claim-level entries have a hold status of OFF, and the option is not selected.
If you click on the box of an ePostings claim-level entry that is not on hold, the claim's hold status is set to ON, and the entry moves to the bottom of the list.
As long as one associated claim is on hold, the ePostings payment associated with this claim is also on hold.
If you click on the box of an ePostings claim-level entry that is on hold, the claim's hold status is set to OFF, and the entry moves back to its proper place in the current sort order.
When no associated claims are on hold, the ePostings payment associated with this claim is no longer on hold.
For any sort option chosen, the ePostings records on hold are displayed at the bottom of the list and are sorted by the selected option.
Distribution Status:Distribution Status:
Displays the status of the match between the SoftDent estimation and the ePostings recommended adjustments.
SoftDent Side
The claim number from the SoftDent database and the type of insurance: primary (Prim) or secondary (Sec).
The patient ID from the SoftDent database.
The start date of service of the claim from the SoftDent claim database.
The actual claim total amount of the claim from the SoftDent claim database.
If the SoftDent claim total does not match the ePostings claim total, the total is displayed in red.
Code Submitted:Code Submitted:
The procedure code assigned to this transaction from the SoftDent database.
The tooth number of the matching transaction in the SoftDent database.
The tooth number is displayed in one of the following ways:
Blank—The field is blank if the SoftDent transaction does not have an associated tooth.
##—The field contains the two-digit tooth number (or single letter) of the SoftDent transaction that has been matched to the ePostings line item by the Transaction ID.
*##—The field contains the two-digit tooth number (or single letter) of the SoftDent transaction preceded by an asterisk when the SoftDent transaction has been matched to the ePostings line item using the Submitted Code/Submitted Amount. This indicates a probable match.
The amount submitted for this procedure from the SoftDent database.
The expected insurance payment amount for the transaction from the SoftDent database.
Expected Pat. Resp.:Expected Pat. Resp.:
The amount the patient is expected to pay from the SoftDent database.
Expected Writeoff:Expected Writeoff:
The amount of the expected writeoff from the SoftDent database.
Expected Other Ins.:Expected Other Ins.:
The expected secondary insurance amount from the SoftDent database.
ePostings Side
The claim number returned from the ePostings database and the type of insurance: primary (Prim) or secondary (Sec).
The patient ID returned by the ePostings database.
The claim total returned by the ePostings database.
If the ePostings claim total does not match the SoftDent claim total, the total is displayed in red.
The start date of service returned from the ePostings database.
The procedure code for which payment was received from the ePostings database.
The amount submitted for this procedure from the ePostings database.
The amount paid for this procedure by the insurance company from the ePostings database.
The amount for which the patient is responsible, returned from the ePostings database.
The actual writeoff amount from the ePostings database.
Other Ins Paid:Other Ins Paid:
The amount paid by secondary insurance from the ePostings database.
The other adjustment amount from the SoftDent database. This amount must be distributed to the Pat Resp. or Writeoff field before the payment can be posted.
Update Bluebook:Update Bluebook:
Selecting this option updates the bluebook with the new amount.
The option is unchecked for the following reasons:following reasons:
The claim is a secondary claim.
The fee used to calculate this transaction (fee on posted transaction) is different from the bluebook’s fee schedule 0 amount. (The fee used to estimate is different from the fee this bluebook entry is estimated from.)
The bluebook entry has a "T" tag. (It was created from Trojan.)
The bluebook entry has changed since the transaction posting. (The date on the bluebook entry is after the transaction’s posted date.)
A deductible might be involved (if the SoftDent transaction has a deductable amount on it).
The option is checked for the following reasons:following reasons:
The claim is a primary claim, and none of the reasons above are present.
If one of the above conditions exists and you select the Update Bluebook option, the Bluebook window is displayed, stating the reason why you might not want to update the bluebook. Click OK to update.
Bottom of Window
Posting Status:Posting Status:
Displays the status of the selected entry and what you need to do before the payment can be posted.
Distribution Reasons:Distribution Reasons:
Displays an explanation for any amount that was not covered—when the amount paid does not equal the amount submitted.
If the claim has a claim-level adjustment and two or more collection doctors are associated with the claim, you must manually distribute the amount of the claim-level adjustment. For more information, see Using the Claim Adjustment Window.
Payment Transaction(s) to be Posted
The default payment code to be posted.
If the type of payment is a check, the code displayed by default is 2.92.
If the type of payment is an EFT, the code displayed by default is 2.93.
If the status of the highlighted claim is Not Postable, this field is blank.
You change the default code to any other code in the ADA database by using the Change Post Code option.
The amount of the payment transaction to be posted.
If the status of the highlighted claim is Not Postable, this field is blank.
This field displays the amount of all the transactions for this claim that are associated with a single collections doctor.
The collections doctor (Dr$) displayed first is the collections doctor for the first transaction in the list. The Paid Amts of all transactions in the list that have this collections doctor are added and displayed in this field.
If claim-level adjustments were distributed to this Dr$, this value is adjusted accordingly.
This field displays the ID of the collections doctor associated with the payment.
The collections doctor ID displayed first is the ID of the collections doctor for the first transaction in the list.
If the claim has transactions that contain more than one collections doctor, an additional payment entry is displayed to the right of the first one.
If the type of payment is a check, the code displayed by default is 2.92.
If the type of payment is an EFT, the code displayed by default is 2.93.
If the status of the highlighted claim is Not Postable, this field is blank.
The amount of the payment transaction for the second collections doctor to be posted is displayed to the right of the first payment code info.
If the status of the highlighted claim is Not Postable, this field is blank.
This field displays the amount of all transactions for this claim that are associated with an additional collections doctor.
The collections doctor (Dr$) to be displayed will be the second collections doctor for a transaction in the list.
The Paid Amts of all transactions in the list that have this collections doctor are added and displayed in this field.
If claim-level adjustments were manually distributed to this Dr$, this value is adjusted accordingly.
The ID of the collections doctor stored with the second payment transaction to be posted is displayed to the right of the first payment info.
If the status of the highlighted claim is Not Postable, this field is blank.
This field displays the ID of the additional collections doctor associated with the payment.
The collections doctor ID to be displayed is the ID of the second collections doctor for any transaction in the list.
A small icon is displayed
in the upper right-hand corner of the comparison section if
the ePostings payment has a note. You can float over the icon
with your mouse to view the note. Click the icon to open the
ePostings Notes window and view existing notes or add a new
Payment Transaction Note Icon:Payment Transaction Note Icon:
A small icon is displayed
in the Payment Transaction section. If the ePostings payment
has a note, you can float over the icon with your mouse to
view the note. Click the icon to open the Payment Transaction
Note window, where you can edit an existing note or create
a note.
For a description of the options available from the Options menu, click herehere.
Select this option to post one or more payments and/or adjustments for all claims associated with the ePostings payment.
The claims must have a status of Ready, Confirmed, or Not Postable. None of the entries can be On Hold, and the Payment Date cannot be in the future.
To use this function, you must have Add Transaction security permissions. You can also assign a Login or Password Override to this function.
Change Post Code:Change Post Code:
Select this option to display the ePostings - Change Post Code window, which enables you to change the currently selected posting code to a new code. Select the new code from the list and click OK.
Edit/View Payment Note:Edit/View Payment Note:
Select this option to display the Payment Transaction Note window, which enables you to add or edit a payment transaction note for this claim.
Clicking the Payment
Transaction Note icon
displays this window as well.
Selecting this option displays the following menu:
Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Associate with Completed Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Mark Not Postable—This option can be
used in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office
contains payment for more than just that office. Selecting
this option displays a warning stating that this will
cause the Posted amount to be different than the actual
check amount.
This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.
Selecting this option displays the following menu:
Confirm Claim—After viewing the claim information, select this option to confirm that this is the correct claim.
View Associated Claim—Select this option to open the Claim window and view the claim information.
Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Associate with Completed Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Mark Not Postable—This option can be
used in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office
contains payment for more than just that office. Selecting
this option displays a warning stating that this will
cause the Posted amount to be different than the actual
check amount.
This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.
Verify Distribution:Verify Distribution:
Selecting this option displays the following menu:
Accept Distribution—After verifying all adjustment reasons, select this option to confirm that the SoftDent estimation did not match the actual ePostings distribution.
Edit Distribution—Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window, and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns.
Manual Distribution:Manual Distribution:
Selecting this option displays the following menu:
Edit Distribution—Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window, and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns.
Accept Distribution—Select this option to indicate that the reasons provided are acceptable and that the distributions should take place based on the original reason codes. A warning message is displayed, asking if you are sure this is what you want to do.
View Associated Claim:View Associated Claim:
Select this option to open the Claim window and view the claim information.
Disassociate from Claim:Disassociate from Claim:
Select this option if you have made a mistake and associated the claim incorrectly.
This option is enabled when a claim has a status of Ready, Verify Distrib, or Manual Distrib.
When you select this option, the Claim ID field of the selected claim is set to NEED, and the Claim Status field is changed to Need Claim.
Edit Distribution:Edit Distribution:
Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window, and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns.
This option is enabled based on the user's security rights:
The Edit Distribution option is enabled if System Security has not been turned on.
If System Security has been turned on, you must have Modify Transactions security permissions to use the Edit Distribution option.
The Edit Distribution option is also enabled if the user does not have access but the feature has been assigned a Login or Password Override.
Mark Not Postable:Mark Not Postable:
Select this option to mark a claim as Not Postable.
When you select this option, a warning is displayed, stating that marking the claim as Not Postable will cause the Posted amount to be different from the actual check amount.
This option can be used in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office contains payment for more than just that office.
This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.
Unmark Not Postable:Unmark Not Postable:
Select this option to undo a claim you have manually marked as Not Postable.
You cannot use this option if the claim status of Not Postable was set automatically by ePostings.
If you select this option and the selected claim had a claim associated with it before you marked it as Not Postable, the claim status is changed to Confirm Claim.
If the selected claim did not have a claim associated with it, the claim status is changed to Need Claim.
View/Add Notes:View/Add Notes:
Select this option to display the ePostings - View/Add Notes window, where you can view existing notes or add notes associated with the selected ePostings payment.
View Original ePostings Data:View Original ePostings Data:
Select this option to display the ePostings payment data for the selected claim as it was received from the clearinghouse.
Select this option to display the Documents window for this claim. See Viewing ePostings Documents in the Document Manager for more information.
Select this option to display the Document Review window for the selected ePostings payment.
View Patient Information:View Patient Information:
Select this option to display the Patient window for the patient associated with this claim.
View Plan Information:View Plan Information:
Select this option to view the Insurance Plan window for the insurance plan associated with this claim.
Select this option to display the Memos window, where you can type a memo concerning the selected claim. This memo is displayed in the Today's Memos window.
2 View Bluebook:2 View Bluebook:
Select this option to display the Bluebook window for the selected transaction code. You can view or update the bluebook entry.
Use the Sort By options at the upper right of the window to sort the claims by the following:
Select this option to sort the list by the date in the From column.
Select this option to sort the list by the claim ID of the SoftDent claim that has been matched to the ePostings entry. The SoftDent claim ID is used regardless of whether the match is confirmed or not.
If the ePostings entry
has not been matched to a SoftDent claim, the associated claim
ID is zero and is displayed at the top of the list when the
list is sorted by Claim ID. For these entries, the Claim ID
column displays the text NEED.
If the ePostings entry is a provider level adjustment (not
associated with any claim), the associated claim ID is zero
and is displayed at the top of the list when the list is sorted
by Claim ID. For these entries, the Claim ID column displays
the text N/A.
Select this option to sort the list alphabetically, by patient last name. This is the default sort option.
The search parameters used in the Find field vary, depending on the option you select.
Select a claim to populate the fields at the bottom of the window with specific information about the procedures involved with the claim.
The lower portion of the window is divided into two sections—SoftDent and ePostings. Fields in the SoftDent section correspond to fields in the ePostings section, and text displayed in red indicates information that you must verify before the payment can be posted.
Right-click on the transaction on the SoftDent side to display a drop-down menu, and select Start Link.
Right-click on the corresponding transaction on the ePostings side, and select Complete Link.
In the Status field, select a status displayed in red to activate the link. Click the link to display a menu of options that will help you match the claims. The links that can display include:
Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Associate with Completed Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Mark Not Postable—Select this option in
cases when the check or EFT sent to an office contains payment
for more than just that office. Selecting this option displays
a warning stating that this will cause the Posted amount to
be different than the actual check amount.
This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.
Confirm Claim—After viewing the claim information, select this option to confirm that this is the correct claim.
View Associated Claim—Select this option to open the Claim window and view the claim information.
Associate with Claim—Select this option to open the Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Associate with Completed Claim—Select this option to open the Completed Claim list, and double-click the correct claim.
Mark Not Postable—This option can be used
in cases when the check or EFT sent to an office contains
payment for more than just that office. Selecting this option
displays a warning stating that this will cause the Posted
amount to be different than the actual check amount.
This option should be used only by the person who regularly handles ePostings payments.
Verify Distrib:Verify Distrib:
Accept Distribution—After verifying all adjustment
reasons, select this option to confirm that the SoftDent estimation
did not match the actual ePostings distribution. If the Update
Bluebook option is selected and enabled, the bluebook is updated.
Note: The Bluebook window is not displayed.
Edit Distribution—Select this option to
display the ePostings Claim Detail window and make changes
to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns. For more
information, see Understanding the
ePostings Claim Detail window.
If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more
Dr$ IDs:
If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more
Dr$ IDs:
The Claim Adjustment window is displayed after you click Accept Distribution or Edit Distribution and OK. In the Amount to Post column, type the amount that should be posted for each Dr$ ID and each transaction, or click Distribute by % to distribute the adjustment amount as a percentage of the total amount the doctor is receiving for the procedure. Click OK.
Manual Distrib:Manual Distrib:
Edit Distribution—Select this option to display the ePostings Claim Detail window and make changes to the totals in the Pat Resp. and Writeoff columns. For more information, see Understanding the ePostings Claim Detail window.
Accept Distribution—Select this option to
indicate that the reasons provided are acceptable and that
the distributions should take place based on the original
reason codes. If the Update Bluebook option is selected and
enabled, the bluebook is updated.
Note: The Bluebook window is not displayed.
If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more
Dr$ IDs:
If a claim adjustment must be distributed among two or more
Dr$ IDs:
The Claim Adjustment window is displayed after you click Edit Distribution or Accept Distribution and OK. In the Amount to Post column, type the amount that should be posted for each Dr$ ID and each transaction, or click Distribute by % to distribute the adjustment amount as a percentage of the total amount the doctor is receiving for the procedure. Click OK.
After you click one link and perform the necessary task, another link is displayed. Click the new link and perform the necessary actions until the status is Ready.
A claim has a status of Confirm Claim.
Click Confirm Claim. An option menu is displayed.
Select View Associated Claim. The Claim window is displayed.
Verify that this is the correct information and click Close.
Click Confirm Claim. The status has changed to Verify Distribution.
Click Verify Distribution and do one of the following:
To edit the distribution, select Edit Distribution. The ePostings Claim Detail window is displayed.
Make the changes in the Pat Resp and Writeoff fields and click OK. The status changes to Ready.
If the distribution is correct, click Accept Distribution. The status changes to Ready.
A claim has a status of Need Claim.
Click Need Claim. An option menu is displayed.
Select Associate with Claim. The Claim window is displayed.
Find the matching claim in the list and double-click the claim. The status has changed to Manual Distrib.
Click Manual Distrib and do one of the following:
To edit the distribution, select Edit Distribution. The ePostings Claim Detail window is displayed.
Make the changes in the Pat Resp and Writeoff fields and click OK. The status changes to Ready.
If the distribution is correct, click Accept Distribution. The status changes to Ready.
Repeat the above steps for each claim in the payment until the status for all claims is Ready, Already Posted, Not Postable, Denied, Pre Auth, or Reversal.
Click Post All. The ePostings Payment Viewer window is displayed.
Continue with the next payment, or click Close.
When you close the ePostings Payment Viewer window, the following conditions might occur, depending on your software configuration:
If any claims selected for final payment have secondary coverage, a message is displayed, stating that the claims were submitted to the secondary carrier and asking if you want to print the claims.
To print the claims, click Yes. The Output Options window is selected. Select the printer and click OK.
To place the claims in the insurance batch, click No.
If this is the final payment on this claim (primary and secondary are complete), Ask to send statement after final insurance payment is selected on the Billing Statement Settings window, and the balance on the account is greater than the Minimum Amount Due to send statement amount, a message is displayed, asking if you want to print batched billing statements. Click Yes to print the statements.
Understanding the ePostings Claim Detail Window