Working with Clinical Notes

SoftDent contains three types of clinical notes:

You can record clinical notes from any of the tabs in the Chart for window:

You can create:

You can also create primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment plan notes, which function in the same way as patient clinical notes.

You can add notes:

You can view patient clinical notes in the following windows:

For more information, see Understanding Patient List and Patient Window Options.


Related Topics

Handling Patient Clinical Notes

Handling Generic Clinical Notes

Handling Default Clinical Notes

Reviewing Generic and Default Clinical Notes

Adding Clinical Notes While Posting

Adding Clinical Notes at the End of the Day

Adding Clinical Notes Per Visit

Adding Clinical Notes Per Visit at the End of the Day

Adding Clinical Notes for Treatment Plans

Copying Generic and Default Clinical Notes

Copying Generic and Default Clinical Notes from One Provider to Another

Printing Clinical Notes

Deleting Clinical Notes