Setting Alternating Recare Notices

You can send a recare notice to a patient for two different procedures on an alternating basis.

Example:Example:You can set alternating recare notices for exam-and-prophy and exam-and-bitewings. The patient receives a recare notice at the specified interval but receives a notice alternately for one procedure, then the other.

To set alternating normal recare information:

  1. Select List > Patient. The Patient List window is displayed.

  2. Double-click a patient. The patient record is displayed.

  3. Type the patient date of birth in the DOB field and click the Recare tab. The default Normal Recare information is displayed in the Last Exam section.

  4. If you change the name of your Normal Recare system, the name of the Last Exam section changes.

  1. To select the first recare procedure, select the Code drop-down list. The ADA/Transaction Codes window is displayed. Double-click a code. The code is displayed in the Code drop-down list in the patient record.

  2. To set the number of time slots the Normal Recare procedure requires in the Scheduler, type the number in the TU field.

  3. To select the alternate recare procedure, select the Alt Code drop-down list. The ADA/Transaction Codes window is displayed. Double-click a code. The code is displayed in the Alt Code drop-down list in the patient record.

  4. To set the number of time slots the alternate Recare procedure requires in the Scheduler, type the number in the Alt TU field.

  5. If you update the notices sent count when running the Normal Recare report, the value in the Notices field is updated every time a recare notice is sent to the patient. If this option is not selected when running the Recare report, the value in the Notices field is always 0.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Click Close twice.

  3. In the Alt Code field, enter the alternative procedure code, and the number of required time units for that procedure in the Alt TU field.

  4. Click OK.